The Wide Open Door : My Conversation with God in the Operating Room (9781436365055)

The Wide Open Door: My Conversation with God in the Operating Room is an inspirational memoir by Dr. Neeraj Bhushan, a practicing physician in Reston, Virginia. When Dr. Bhushan entered the hospital as a patient for knee surgery, he was seized by a panic attack that inspired the most desperate prayer of his life as he lay on the operating table. As he begged God to help him, he heard a voice of comfort, reassurance and love that led to his total surrender to his fate, no matter what might be in store for him.
The moment Dr. Bhushan awoke after the surgery, he knew something strange and wonderful had happened. The love he'd felt pouring into him on the operating table continued to bubble in his consciousness, even as he struggled to understand the miracle of that voice. Had he really spoken to God? Why had God chosen to speak to him? As a doctor, he knew the joint should be inflamed and sore after the trauma of having three holes drilled in his knee. But when he rose from his hospital bed a few hours later, he felt no pain. None. He could walk without crutches. Why didn't his knee hurt? As soon as he returned home, he unwrapped the bandage to make sure he'd really had an operation.
Dr. Bhushan's journey of physical, emotional and spiritual healing continued from that day forward. He never took any drugs, the recovery was painless, and the healing was complete. In gratitude for the extraordinary gift he received, he shares his story with everyone. The love of God has filled his heart, and the more he gives that love to others, the more joy he receives.

Product details

  • Hardback | 224 pages
  • 163 x 238 x 24mm | 472g
  • Bloomington IN, United States
  • English
  • black & white illustrations
  • 1436365058
  • 9781436365055

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